ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture is the insertion of small, single use, and sterile needles into different locations on the body. Acupuncture promotes circulation, activates the nervous and immune systems, and reduces inflammation. Acupuncture has been used to help with aches and pains, stress, anxiety, digestive issues, women's health, weight loss, insomnia, etc. Sage currently offers traditional acupuncture, motor point acupuncture, and cosmetic acupuncture.
CUPPINGCupping is the use of glass or plastic cups to create suction to lift the skin over the muscles to increase blood flow. Cupping can ease muscle tension, promote relaxation, help repair tissue damage, and trigger a lymphatic response to help detoxify the body.
EAR SEEDSAuricular Therapy is the use of small vaccaria, plated 24k gold, or stainless steel spheres that are used to apply gentle pressure on specific locations on the ear to stimulate a therapeutic response within the body. Ear seeds can be used to help with anxiety, stress, pain management, headaches, insomnia, and so much more.